Reading Groups

The primary aim of the reading groups is to foster informal discussion of a wide range of topics. These discussions can take a variety of forms, including but not limited to: (a) traditional reading group meetings, in which everyone reads and discusses some paper of mutual interest; (b) presentations of original work, both polished and unpolished and (c) tutorial sessions devoted to techniques, methodology, results from other fields, etc.

Syntax Circle

Syntax Circle, the syntax reading group, meets weekly to discuss papers chosen by the participants or to hear presentations from members. Topics range from formal grammars to distributed morphology and everything in between. (contact person: Young-Hoon Kim).


Ph2, the phonetics and phonology group, hosts biweekly meetings to discuss current topics of interest in phonetics and phonology. (contact person: Lisa Zhao). 

Semantics Group

Semantics Group, an interdisciplinary semantics research group, meets every week and provides an opportunity for students and faculty to come together to tackle current issues related to semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of language, and the syntax-semantics interface.  Join the Canvas site "Cornell Semantics Group" for further meeting information (contact person: Sarah Murray). 
